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BLACKPINK'S LISA Answer 100 Questions On Mini Japan Magazine Interview 2018

Blackpink lisa mini magazine 2018Blackpink lisa mini magazine 2018

blackpink lisa mini magazine 2018blackpink lisa mini magazine 2018

Lisa's Interview On Mini Japan Magazine 2018

'All About Lisa'

Pictures Credits belongs to @lots_a_Chaeyoon
And Interview Translations Credits belongs to @ultlalisasm
Update : Full Translations by @LisooDaisuki

[Translated by @LisooDaisuki]

1. Who’s in your family?: Three people (myself, my dad, and my mom)
2. Blood type?: O
3. Where are you from?: Thailand
4. What is your strong point?: Dancing
5. What is your weak point?: Not being able to stay still.
6. Hobby?: Watching movies.
7. What’s a phrase you always say by habit?: “Oh my GOD”
8. Nick names?: Rondalisa, Nallalisa, Ryorisa, Kokkilisa
9. Flower you like?: Edelweiss
10. Favorite Book?: The Little Prince
11. Favorite number?: 27
12. Favorite Manga?: Tangled
13. Favorite Movie?: About Time
14. Favorite Artist?: Kehlani
15. Favorite song from that artist?: Honey
16. Favorite part of your face?: Lips
17. Eyesight?: I don’t remember!
18. Do you have a pet? If you did what would the name be?: I own two cats back in Thailand named Hunter and Tiga.
19. Childhood dream?: Dance Teacher, Cabin Attendent
20. Favorite place in Korea?: Hongdae
21. Favorite place in Thailand?: Siam
22. Favorite place in Japan?: Harajyuku
23. Place you want to visit?: Italy
24. How do you study Korean?: I watch a lot of Korean dramas.
25. What made you start learning dancing and rapping?: My mom let me go to a dance school and that was how I started! I started rapping when I became a trainee.
26. Role Model?: Komatsu Nana and Kehlani
27. Lessons you liked when you were a trainee?: Korean
28. Memory from your trainee days?: it was always fun whenever we made our own choreography with the members!
29. Usual shopping place?: Online shopping
30. A fashion item that’s got your attention right now?: Jacket
31. For fashion, who or what do you look at for reference?: Bella Hadid
32. Your own fashion style in one word?: Casual
33. What do you find most important when buying clothes?: Whether it goes with the trend or not.
34. From all the shopping you have done until now, what was something you bought that made you feel “This was a mistake.”: Fur Hat
35. Fashion item that you collect a lot of without thinking?: Hoodie with a baby’s face printed on it
36. Your best outfit?: Casual!
37. Make up you are obsessed with right now?: Natural Make up!
38. Beauty products that you collect?: Lipstick
39. What do you focus on when it comes to skin care?: Putting on face masks.
40. Hair style you would like to try?: A hair style without bangs.
41. Average sleeping hours?: 9 hours
42. Outfit when you go to sleep?: Pajamas
43. Morning person?: No way!
44. What do you do right away when you wake up?: Drink water.
45. What kind of food would make you happy in the morning?: Breakfast that my dad makes.
46. What’s something you want to eat the most right now?: Steak
47. Favorite Korean dish?: Camjatan (?) (gamjatang)
48. Favorite Thai dish?: Pad ka Pow
49. Favorite Japanese dish?: Tempura
50. Dish you’re good at making?: Pad Thai
51. Favorite bread?: Croissant
52. Favorite cake?: Red Velvet Cake
53. Favorite drink?: Coke
54. Favorite season?: SUMMER
55. When you were a student were you a Liberal Arts type or the Physical education type? (In other words, were you sporty or not sporty?): I was in 芸体能 (a subject in korea that most likely focuses on knowledge and skills as an artist), but I was very bad at sports. *laughs*
56. When you were a student, what subject were you good at and what subject were you bad at?: I was good at science and I was bad at math.
57. If you could be a man for one day what would you do?: Pick up/flirt with girls!
58. If you were born again would you be a guy or a girl?: GIRL!
59. If you were to give an advice to your past self?: Have fun and live life.
60. If you could go back to the past, how old would you be?: 18

61. On the other hand, if you could go to the future, how old would you be?: 40
62. What would you do if you won a million dollars?: Travel all around the world.
63. Last meal, what would you eat?: Sushi
64. One thing you would like to do before you die?: Sky diving
65. If you had a week break what would you do?: Family trip to Switzerland.
66. Favorite tv show?: Stranger Things
67. A tv show you want to be in?: The Japanese TV show called “Toudai ou” (Toudai is the #1 uni in Japan & Ou means king, so basically a tv show with smart people)
68. How do you ease yourself when you are nervous?: I encourage myself by saying, “I’ll be fine, I can do it.”
69. Someone you would like to perform with?: Kehlani
70. The source of your energy?: Yummy foods.
71. What makes you feel happy?: When I eat delicious foods.
72. When you go to a convenience store, what’s something you unconsciously buy?: Kinder chocolate that has a toy that comes with it.
73. What scares you the most?: Ghosts
74. Favorite interior?: Cute lighting.
75. Any words that were memorable that you have heard in your life?: Nothing in particular.
76. Something that you feel, “I want to come out/tell everyone now!”? (They make it sound like she needs to come out of the closet or maybe that’s just me lol): Nothing in particular.
77. When you’re sad what do you do to change your mood?: Crying while hugging my pet eventually makes me feel better.
78. A song you always sing during karaoke?: You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift.
79. If you were to give advice to someone  that wants to get into YG entertainment?: It’s best if you show all your charms and how hard you work!
80. If you weren’t an artist, what would you be doing?: Study in Australia. Take pictures.
81. The biggest happening that has happened ever since you joined the entertainment business?: BlackPink’s Music video appearing on a Marvel movie.
82. A moment when you feel glad that you had this job?: When I see our fans smile.
83. Did you watch the Olympics? What was your favorite sport?: I like snowboarding so I watched it!
84. Do you believe in fortune telling?: 50/50
85. In the future, what is a dream house that you would like to live in?: A house with a huge backyard!
86. After debuting, what was the hair style you liked the most?: When I debuted with the blonde hair.
87. An outfit that was most memorable out of all your performances?: The rainbow colored fur clothes that I wore during the award ceremony.
88. Impression of Japanese fans?: The way they speak is cute.
89. When will you post something on instagram?: That’s a secret!
90. Any fun moments recently when the four of you were in the dorms together?: When we ate chicken together.
91. What’s something you bring whenever you go overseas for your job?:A speaker.
92. Something that you want to accomplish by this year?: Release an album.
93. Usually what do you do/play with?: Listen to music, play Nintendo games!
94. Favorite restaurant?: Wolfgang Steak House
95. What kind of nails do you like?: Cubic nails.
96. Any other talents besides dancing and rapping?: Drawing pictures of cats.
97. Which one can you bare? The heat or the cold?: Heat
98. Dream that you dreamed of recently?: Dream about snakes.
99. When you can’t sleep what do you do?: Face the other way.
100. What’s your sixth sense?: My sense with rhythm.

Is there anything interesting that you would like to point out regarding the repackaged albums?:
First and foremost, the footage of the Budoukan is in it, so THAT is very important! We prepared so much for that stage! It's a 360 degree stage so I think that's very awesome!

The fan's enthusiasm/heat was crazy!:
The calls were so much more louder than I had imagined! More than anything, there were so many fans there, and I was filled with so much gratitude.

Among all of the work you do with lives, tv appearances, and fashion magazine's, which one do you like best?:
I like every job I get, but I enjoyed appearing on tv show's the most! The mc/cast would make everything entertaining! Anyhow, everything was so new to us! It's so different compared to Korea. For example, the direction of the camera that was shooting us, the angles... It really was surprising! We sang Boombayah at a morning news/information tv program, not at a music tv show! And the camera's would close up from the top like Dooon! *Sound of something closing in in Japanese* (laughs)

When you appeared on a Korean variety show, it was hilarious how you did the popular Thai taxi dance where you grab stars in the dance. After seeing that, it made us realize how much you are cut out for variety shows as well!:
No way, I am not used to it at all! To be honest, I wasn't planning on doing it at all! However, the members were like, "It will definitely be hilarious, so DO it!" because they've seen me dance to it in the past. That's why I decided to dance it....(laughs)

It was super cute!!💕 The model Lisachan in Nonagon is always very cool!:
I've been doing it ever since I was a trainee, but when I was chosen it was so shocking. I thought to myself, even I could become a model! Becoming a model was a dream I've had ever since I was a baby, so I was very happy. 
I recommend the collection that I collaborated with! There are a variety of items that anyone can wear casually like a purple hoodie, a yellow t-shirt... those are my favorite colors. I made it by using my clothes that I wear everyday as a base! (Assuming she helped design the clothes.)

The four of you were exploding with and showing off your charms through the reality show BLACKPINK HOUSE that was released on Vlive and Youtube. For you Lisachan, what was the most memorable thing that happened?:
It was very fun when we got to go to Thailand!

Your dad cooked for you guys right?:
Ah, did you watch everything? Ohhh! I knew it was strange! (Laughs) After all, it was all my favorite foods! I knew right away that only my parents would know this menu. That's why right after I saw it, I was like "AHHH!" 

The members looked like they were about to cry too:
All the members met my parents in Korea before, but because it was their first time meeting them in my hometown, Thailand, they were touched. 

You guys went to roof top bars, shopping, and etc, but what did you enjoy the most?:
The zip line (the attraction that reminds you of Tarzan) that we went on when it was raining was very fun! It was just so funny how we went when it was raining. (Laughs) Remember when Roséchan's foot became all blue because she was wearing sandals (laughs)? That was so funny!

I thought you guys were doing such an intense filming, but it seems you had fun. (Laughs):
Before we left, I also thought it was going to be exhausting! However, it was very fun once we went! 💜 

When you guys went to buy bedding, Jennie said that the rabbit pattern was creepy, but you ended up buying it anyways right? I laughed a little at that as well. (Laughs):
Yeah that! (Laughs) But I thought it was super cute!! Anyhow, I love cute things! I like patterns! Also, I love things that are unusual, even with clothes! Maybe that's why people don't understand. (Laughs)

Well then, please tell us what you like about each of the members!:
First of all, Jisoosan is just so funny! When I'm with her I can always be happy and keep laughing. Jenniesan is so cool! Even though she's cool, whenever I sometimes get to see her sweet side, she's so cute! Roséchan is the same age as me, and she is truly my best friend! When I'm with her, I can discuss my problems with her, and there is a big part of me that relies on her as well.

What are the members always doing?:
Jisoo is always playing games! Pc games and cellphone games! Anyways, she is always playing games. Also, she really loves watching anime! Even if it's an anime I don't particularly like, she always invites me by saying, "Let's watch it together~!", because she likes it. (Laughs) Jennie likes mysterious toys like slime, and small candy toys. She makes them often. Rosé frequently watches American dramas. She also has a pet fish and looks after it. When she's bored, there are a lot of times when she is just staring at the fish.

Message to each of the members!:
OH! WOW!! What should I say? Jisoo san, let's watch anime together later! Jennie san, I want to be in the same room again with you unnie (embarrassed)! Rosé chan, I'll buy you another fish! 

Okay, so let's talk a little bit about fashion. Mini is a street style fashion magazine for girls, but what do you think of this style?:
It's a style that I want to imitate! (While looking at Mini Magazine) I love wearing baggy jackets and tops! I love these kind of jersey's with lines in them as well! I love sneakers too, especially white sneakers! I use them regularly. I frequently wear similar caps that I wore for this magazine, and I like knitted hats too.

That's precisely Mini's fashion style! When we think of BlackPink, we think of big/a bunch of accessories:
For our stage outfits it's like that, however I really like casual clothing, so I rarely wear any accessories for my own outfits. (Laughs) 

Do you have any preferences when it comes to balancing your outfit and makeup? :
When I feel like I want to do flashy make up, I would wear ALL BLACK. On the other hand, I think that if I were to wear brighter clothes, I would focus on my lips, and just put on mascara. 
I love lipstick the most, and right now I really like the color that looks like pink and brown are mixed together or the color of "dried up roses".

I know you guys are preparing for your next comeback, but what's the situation like?:
We are currently doing our best and working on it! Please wait just a li~ttle bit longer!

Lastly, please give a message to all Mini readers!: 
I feel very honored to have worked with Mini-san once again. I hope that we have more and more work together in the future!

Really?! (Laughs) We're happy to hear that! 💕
Yes! By the way, I signed the hat for the reader's gift! Please wear it cutely! 💜 

[Translated By @ultlalisasm]
  1. Lisa wanted to be a cabin attendant when she was little
  2. Lisa’s role model is kehlani and nana komatsu
  3. If Lisa didn’t became an artist she said she’ll go to Australia and study
  4. Lisa looks up/studies Bella Hadid’s fashion
  5. Lisa’s favorite flower is “edelweiss”
  6. Lisa wants to go to Italy
  7. Lisa’s favorite artist is kehlani and her favorite song is honey
  8. Lisa’s favorite place in Thailand and japan is Siam and Harajuku
  9. Lisa’s favorite moments when she was a trainee was choreographing a dance with the other members
  10. Lisa addressed her fashion style as “casual”
  11. She was asked when she will update ig and lisa deadass said “secret!”
  12. Lisa’s favorite parts on her face is her Lips
  13. Lisa’s favorite movie is “About Time”
  14. Lisa’s favorite book is “Little Prince”
  15. Lisa’s hobby is watching movies
  16. Lisa’s favorite number is her birthdate “27”
  17. Lisa wants to live in a big house with a backyard in the future
  18. Lisa loves her blonde hair when she debuted
  19. Lisa sings taylor swift’s “you belong with me” as her 18th song in karaoke
  20. When lisa feels sad she hugs her pet and cry and after that she’ll feels alright
  21. Lisa enjoys eating chicken with the other members in their dorm recently
  22. Lisa feels proud for being an idol when she sees all blinks smiles
  23. Lisa loved snowboard so she watched the Olympics
  24. She’s happy that BLACKPINK’s MV was featured in justice league
  25. Lisa wants to release BLACKPINK’s album this year
  26. Lisa loves the rainbow dress she wore when BLACKPINK attended an award show
  27. Lisa likes cubic nail
  28. When BLACKPINK has a schedule overseas Lisa always brings her speaker with her
  29. Lisa recently dreams about snakes
  30. Lisa’s bloodtype is O and she said she has no siblings
  31. Lisa 50/50 believes in fortune telling
  32. Aside from rapping and dancing lisa loves to draw cats
  33. Lisa said her sixth sense inside her is rythm
  34. Lisa’s favorite cake is red velvet cake
  35. Lisa’s favorite subject is science and she hates math
  36. Lisa said if she has 100m she wants to travel the world
  37. Lisa wants her last meal to be sushi
  38. Lisa’s favorite season is summer
  39. Lisa said if she has a one week off from work she wants to travel to Switzerland with her parents
  40. Lisa loves coca cola
  41. Lisa said her advice to herself in the past is Enjoy living life to the fullest
  42. Lisa’s favorite drama recently is “Stranger Things”
  43. Lisa said if it’s possible to go back in the past she wants to go back to her 18 years old self
  44. Lisa wants to be born as a girl in her next life again
  45. Before performing lisa feels very nervous so she keeps telling herself “It’s okay,i can do this.i can do it perfectly”
  46. Lisa said before she dies she wants to do skydiving
  47. Lisa was asked if she has a chance to be a boy for one day what would she do so she answered she’ll date all girls
  48. Lisa wants to perform with Kehlani someday
  49. Lisa said she likes to buy kinder chocolate because it has a toy with it
  50. Lisa said she’s scared of ghosts and hates them
  51. Lisa feels happy when she’s eating alot of foods
  52. Lisa’s advice to those who wants to join YG “be yourself and have confidence. Show them all of your charms”
  53. Lisa said she likes to move her body but she also said she sucks at sports
  54. Lisa's Favorite restaurant is Wolfgang Steakhouse
  55. Lisa'sa favorite bread is Croissant bread
  56. Lisa said she sleep 9 hours a day
  57. Lisa likes to collect lipstick
  58. Lisa also said she unconciously collects a jacket with baby's face being printed on to it
  59. Lisa said she is really into natural make up nowadays
  60. In the morning Lisa feels very happy when her dad makes breakfast for her
  61. Lisa said her favorite Korean dish is gamjatang and for Thai dish is Pakkapao, for Japanese dish is tempura.
  62. Lisa said she is not a morning person
  63. Lisa said she always do face mask for her skin care routine
  64. Lisa wears pajama when she sleeps
  65. Lisa said she's good at making phad thai
  66. Lisa said she wants to try a hairstyle without bangs
  67. Lisa drinks water first thing in the morning when she wake up
  68. Lisa wants to appear on a Japanese show called 'Toudaiou' ( It's a quiz variety show for college students who attends Tokyo University vs. Celebrities)
  69. Lisa likes cute interiors
  70. Lisa said she failde on buying a fur hat
  71. Lisa thinks the way Blinks talk is cute
  72. Lisa said she usually plays nintendo and listens to music
  73. Lisa said if she can't sleep she faces the other side of her bed
  74. Lisa gets her energy from delicious foods
  75. Lisa has two pet named Hunter and Tiga
  76. Lisa said learned Korea through watching alot of Dramas
  77. Lisa said when she was trainee she loves her Korean lessons
  78. Lisa said she loves to do net shopping
  79. Lisa said when she buys clothes she looks at it if it fits the trend or not first
  80. Lisa said she's thankful to her mother for letting her attend dance classes and she also said she started rapping when she was trainee
  81. Lisa's favorite place in Korea is Hongdae
  82. Lisa said she's good at dancing and she's bad at staying still
  83. Lisa said she can't remember the exact eyesight
  84. Her favorite manga is Tangled
  85. Lisa said she tends to say 'Oh My God' alot
More Pictures :

Lisa blackpink Mini Japan Magazine Interview 2018

Lisa blackpink Mini Japan Magazine Interview 2018

Lisa blackpink Mini Japan Magazine Interview 2018

Lisa blackpink Mini Japan Magazine Interview 2018

All content belongs to the owners 

With Lalice 💜


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